The crypto market has the wind in its sails as 2025 kicks off, especially given the current macro and political backdrop, according to Grayscale’s Zach Pandl. “It was an excellent year not only for crypto, but for many other assets,” the firm’s managing director of research told CNBC’s Tanaya Macheel in this special Pro Talks discussion available to all readers. “That was largely because the economy avoided a recession ⦠and despite a good outcome for the economy, the Federal Reserve was cutting interest rates. That macroeconomic environment is going to be good for bitcoin.” Bitcoin had a record year in 2024, surging more than 100% and topping $100,000 for the first time. The launch of spot bitcoin ETFs also boosted the flagship digital currency along with Donald Trump’s reelection. Trump took a more crypto friendly stance during his campaign, leading to support from the industry and to expectations of easier regulations around crypto investing. “This is now a mainstream asset incorporated in many types of portfolios because of the ETFs,” Pandl said. “It will now be talked about regularly at the White House, among officials that are setting our regulatory policy. So, it’s here to stay.” (Pro subscribers can watch the full interview here .) Subscribe to CNBC PRO for exclusive insights and analysis, and live business day programming from around the world.