Fiery road rage turned icy fast — a woman threw a punch at a man and got viciously body-slammed onto the frozen pavement, and it was all caught on camera.
The dispute went down in Toledo, Ohio earlier this month — a blue sedan screeched to a stop, and a woman jumped out, cussing up a storm at the driver behind her. The chaos escalated when a man climbed out of the other car’s passenger side to confront her.
Looks like the man tried to calm her down … but as he walked away, the woman threw an unprovoked punch from behind, smacking him in the face. He didn’t hold back — firing a punch of his own before lifting her and slamming her to the ground with a thud.
The woman appeared to be on the ground for a bit, moaning and clutching her head in pain. Her current condition is unclear.
The lead-up to the altercation’s a mystery, but the woman was fired up from the jump — storming out of the car and seemingly ready to throw down, yelling, “My man’s right f***ing there. Come and put your f***ing hands on me.”
It’s unclear if she had backup in her car, but nobody jumped out to have her back during the incident.
Toledo Police tell TMZ … neither party has filed a report, so the incident hasn’t been investigated.