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Parenta Retail To Early Years Educator Parenta Is Featured In Nursery World

Retail To Early Years Educator: Parenta Has Been Featured In Nursery World

Parenta is proud to be featured in Nursery World magazine, highlighting the inspiring journey of one of our learners, Jade Stevens. From a retail job to becoming a Level 3 Early Years Educator, Jade’s story showcases her dedication and success. Read on to learn about her challenges, triumphs, and valuable advice for aspiring educators. We

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Parenta Developing Fundamental Movement Skills In Early Childhood

Developing Fundamental Movement Skills In Early Childhood

There are 40+ Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) that children need to master by the time they leave primary school. FMS are divided into three areas: locomotor skills; Manipulative skills; and Non-Locomotor skills.  Current Issues In Primary Schools   In primary schools, research by the University of South Wales has shown that those typically teaching PE and

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Parenta Mastering Self Regulation In Early Years Education

Mastering Self-Regulation In Early Years Education

Mastering Self-Regulation – Children require support and understanding from childcare practitioners to manage their behaviour and feelings. It’s a learning process that happens gradually, piece by piece. In this article, let us explore self-regulation and ways in which we can give children the tools of self-sufficiency, to aid this process. Understanding And Responding To Children’s

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Parenta Childcare Business Tips To Master Cash Flow

Childcare Business Tips To Master Cash Flow

“Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity. But cash is king.”  The origin of this famous business quote remains disputed, but its relevance has never been greater, especially in running a childcare business.  All businesses face a common challenge: revenue rarely follows the same pattern as costs. This discrepancy becomes particularly pronounced at month-end when payroll

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Parenta Technology Revolutionising Early Learning

Technology Revolutionising Early Learning

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it is crucial to integrate technology into early childhood education to cultivate a generation of computer-literate individuals. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework offers a robust structure for nurturing young minds. When paired with assistive technology, it can significantly enhance learning outcomes for all children, particularly those with diverse

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Parenta Activities For Children Fun Summer Ideas On A Budget

Activities For Children: Fun Summer Ideas On A Budget

Summer holidays are a fantastic time for children to explore, learn, and have fun. However, finding activities that are both engaging and budget-friendly can be challenging. Here are some creative and low-cost ideas to keep your early years children entertained this summer, come rain or shine.  Outdoor Adventures In Nature  Nature offers endless opportunities for

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Parenta Social Skills Essentials Tips For Children And Adults

Social Skills Essentials: Tips For Children And Adults

Social skills. A phrase which is widely used, but what does it really mean? Simply put, it’s the ability to interact effectively with others. From expressing our feelings to fostering relationships, these skills are essential for navigating the world. While some children may struggle to master social skills, many adults also find social interactions challenging.

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